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Access to capital is often the single limiting factor that stands between small businesses and the scale-up that will take them to the next level. Our full suite of lending options lets you get the liquidity you need, when and where you need it.

A direct commercial funding source. We focus on all commercial, conventional financing, and difficult to finance transactions including the negotiation and capitalization of business acquisitions and expansions, loan purchases, quick close situations, and discounted payoffs or consolidation of debts.


GUIDEN simplifies the process as we “GUIDE” you through securing capital with our passionate Advisory Team helping every step of the way with a focus of unparalleled commitment to aligning ourselves with our client base through a totally collaborative model. 

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Preferred Partner (Recommended) - Business Advisors for the Hospitality and Retail business sector. Providing business tools to maximize profitability and streamline operations.


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